Friday, December 4, 2009

Crochet Project - Hat or Purse?

My sister just taught me how to double crochet. Armed with that information, I attempted to make a hat using double and single crochet stitches with cotton yarn. The photo of the project doesn't do the piece justice.

As a hat, it's similar to a cloche'. Tight fitting to the head with a flounce around the edges. I crocheted a side piece to attach to the main portion of the hat to add drama and an eye-catching glance area.

Then I had a thought, if I turn the hat upside down and added a strap or handles, I could have a purse. What's your opinion on my needlework: hat or purse?


joyce said...

holy wha!!! kay you are a quick study. the hat looks great....and you did it w/o a pattern. your new knickname...'wonder woman'!

Stacy said...

My opinion is that the hat totally rocks :) I love the colors and the style. Keep it up!