Friday, February 16, 2018

Made from Scratch Suede Purse

I had a suede jacket that had seen better days. Portions of the jacket were still in good shape. I considered tossing the clothing and then I thought, "re-purpose, re-use, recycle". I cut the jacket apart and used the side pockets as the front and back of the purse. Since I don't have a heavy duty sewing machine, I glued, yes, glued the suede pieces together. I purchased brass chain and grommets to match. Making four holes, two on each side of the top flap. I installed the grommets and threaded the chain through the grommets to form a strap. Since I had a magnetic clasp in my sewing kit, I sliced two holes on either side of the suede and glued a piece of fabric over the folded down prongs. To finish the piece, I glued a leather flower to cover the magnet. So stylish!

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